
A Canadian Physician, PGY-11.

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The intrinsic injustice of our justice system

I re-read a quote from an article about Aaron Swartz, and it was so beautifully written and insightful that I thought I would share it:

In short, [Swartz's] team seemed to view this as an unjust and broken application of a system to an undeserving man, not recognizing that the system is rigged and unjust and broken from the start. That's common among smart, educated, fortunate people. As I have discussed before, my fortunate clients are the most outraged at how they are treated by the criminal justice system, and most prone to seeing conspiracies and vendettas, because they are new to it — they have not questioned the premise that the system's goal is justice. My clients who have lived difficult lives in hard neighborhoods don't see a conspiracy; they recognize incompetence and brutal indifference and injustice as features, not bugs.

The intrinsic injustice of our justice system